Friday, 22 February 2013


When they say love sucks, what actually comes to your mind. Got a mail some few some weeks back before, and got another today and decided not just to copy and paste it all here,but to share to as many of you that will come across this article . In giving this piece a meaning, I'll throw it at you?... on both sex side to see how you'll react on it.  You visit your woman's apartment and decide's to stay up late, while in the apartment a constant visitor comes in to check on her as often as every 30 mins. Within the 5 hours you had already spent he had visited up to 7 times. Calling up your woman to ask why she won't attend to the stranger you are just meeting for the first time that day, she simply responded "Its my neighbour, that's how he comes to check on me", funny right? was all the feed back you get, and you eventually decide to actually see to the end of the matter by leaving the comfort of the sitting room to the bedroom. When it was early to the night, as usual, 30 mins came by and this time the bell rang again and your woman goes to answer it, and stay's for a longer time attending to this guest, you wanting to know what has being keeping her longer than expected from joining you, you decide to join her and then walk into the room and meets this same guy , sitting at the position you where and a glass of You figure out what you always keep in your fringe and why you turn back to walk away into the Comfort zone you where coming out from,in the presences of your woman, you hear the word, hey! Haven't you stayed long enough? and don't you think its high time you leave,Advise. To shorten the story i didn't intend to share,you went in and pretended as if that didn't happen, only for an argument to transpire inside the same room you left saying "Go in there and tell him to leave if you don't want my trouble" Now ladies put your self in this Situation.

Pics of Man and woman in bedroom after clearly having had an argument

Now i know you men will be coughing and saying never but this actually happened to a sister,friend,lady and matured woman. It has come to my notices that when a woman visit his new found lover she tries to explore and also be in her best behaviour. by wanting to be known as a 'Responsible Figure' but come to think of it, have you ever had your man tell you stay up in the room don't come out? or He is making a call and gives you the hush sign don't make noise..
I know you all have something to say, at first when i got the message i suspected no woman will want to come fight another woman in a man's house if they is nothing serious! But if he claims! that's how she has being coming to check on him and he is not trying is Mic on her Mixer then reactions of such won't emerge at the first place. Although  he apologized and said nothing was between them. She has being visiting on and off and on another occasion she encounters this stranger again, this time the Mopol came around within the Unholy hour when babe was around and, Super player refused to open the door. She realized something was fishing and was ready for a fight, hitting the door and raining insult on the guy and who ever was with him ( Her) calling her names to come out and face her woman to woman.  The least i could shout was NA PERSON WEY NO GET POWER DEY SHOUT COME OUTSIDE I READY FOR YOU. BUT IF YOU GET POWER ATTACK FIRST. Was i wrong? she is inside, the stranger is outside the guy is around so she has nothing to nag about. What's your take on this for next time? Because she is in need of more words to tell her she might just be the wrong owners occupier since Mr Super is not ready to stop the playing...

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